Top Reasons for Furnace Breakdown

Mar 26, 2021 | Furnace, HVAC, Tips & Tricks

Spring is just around the corner here in Central Ohio, but with nights still as chilly as ever our furnaces are still working hard to keep up. If your furnace breaks down during the warm afternoons, you may be tempted to ignore it. However, once the sun goes down, you’ll notice how cold your house gets without heat from your furnace. So we at Delaware Heating & Air put together the top 3 reasons for furnace breakdowns and how you can address them this spring. 

In Need of a Check-Up 

Sometimes if your furnace is acting up, it’s simply because it’s in need of a routine check-up. Because small problems can be caught early by experienced HVAC professionals, we suggest scheduling a furnace maintenance check-up every fall. The following are signs you need a furnace technician’s expert eye:

  • Frequent cycling
  • Poor air quality
  • Strange noises

Dirty Filter or Vents

Another common cause of furnace breakdowns is a dirty system. Dust buildup puts strain on your furnace’s blower and can result in problems like:

  • A lack of heat
  • Frequent cycling
  • Poor air quality
  • Overheating furnace

These issues can typically be resolved by replacing your furnace filter and vacuuming out your air vents. If this doesn’t solve the problem, then you may need to hire professionals to clean the inside of your furnace’s ductwork.

A Malfunctioning or Outdated Thermostat 

If you’ve noticed that your furnace is turning on more frequently than usual, is heating your home too much or too little, or your energy bill is higher than usual, then it may be time to buy a new thermostat (be sure to get a maintenance check-up scheduled first to make sure this is the problem.) With so many new thermostats to choose from, this can be a daunting task. However, with a little research, replacing your thermostat can result in saved energy and can eliminate your discomfort problems! 

Still Haven’t Discovered the Problem?

Our heating and cooling systems are complicated machines and it can be difficult to locate the source of problems when they break down. If you suspect that there is something more serious wrong with your furnace, then you should consult professionals right away! At Delaware Heating & Air, our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is always available to answer your questions or assist you in scheduling an appointment. You can call us today at 740-227-8302, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!