Tips to Extend the life of your AC

Tips to Extend the life of your AC

To ensure your AC can accommodate your home for its entire possible lifespan, you need to give your system the proper maintenance and care needed. On average, an AC’s lifespan lasts 12 to 17 years, even with proper maintenance. Here is some helpful advice from our...
Why isn’t my A/C working?

Why isn’t my A/C working?

Before the advent of the modern residential air conditioner, people used blocks of ice to keep cool. As a matter of fact, output ratings on some of the first air conditioning systems were calculated based on how much ice would’ve been necessary to achieve the same...
It Isn’t Too Late For An A/C Tuneup

It Isn’t Too Late For An A/C Tuneup

Well, summer has finally arrived here in the Buckeye Nation! And even though this involves festivities, cook-outs, fireworks, and outdoor fun, it also indicates sweltering heat. We are talking about those days so hot it will send the best of us racing back inside to...
5 Signs You Need an AC Repair

5 Signs You Need an AC Repair

Is your air conditioner blowing out warm air, making strange noises or smells, or gathering water around the unit? If so, you’re in the right place. Throughout our many years of superior customer service experience, usually an A/C system will begin giving a...