Giving Thanks for Our HVAC Systems

Nov 26, 2020 | Blog, HVAC, Indoor Air Quality

This year has been a crazy year for a lot of people all over the world. It has been challenging as well. However, we must keep in mind that although things have been tough, things could always be worse. When we embrace this attitude, we are able to give thanks for the many blessings we still have in life. 

Among these blessings, having a home to keep us safe, warm and with our loved ones is something we should give thanks for this holiday season. We believe having home heating systems that run faithfully all winter long is such a huge blessing, a blessing that some of those who are less fortunate might have to go without this winter.

Throughout Ohio’s most extreme weather, our furnaces work around the clock to keep us safe and comfortable indoors which enables us to enjoy our holidays with family and friends. Furthermore, during the hot and muggy months of summer, our AC units keep us cool.

In honor of Thanksgiving today, we at Delaware Heating & Air discuss some things we can be grateful for when it comes to our HVAC systems, along with a list of things we can do to show our gratitude to keep them running for years to come.

Why we should be grateful for our HVAC systems

They Provide Comfort & Safety All Year Long

In and out of Ohio’s most extreme weather, the HVAC systems in our homes supply us with safety and comfort in our dwellings for not only ourselves, but also for our loved ones. Sadly, sometimes people don’t give these systems a great deal of care until they lose their service when they need it. When this happens, it’s been our experience that the person’s outlook changes fast. Most of the time, when a homeowner loses their comfort-providing-systems, especially during a particularly hot or cold time of the year, it creates a new appreciation for the services they provide.

They Sustain Clear Air Quality

Almost all heating, cooling and air quality systems help keep the air we breathe clean, which plays a vital role to our well-being and health overall. Their air filters, when replaced frequently, trap stuff like dirt, dust, pet dander and other airborne particles floating around in our air supply. A lot of these airborne pollutants can trigger allergy symptoms, breathing problems and other health issues. Because of this, keeping up on our air filters is indispensable. However, if you feel your air filter isn’t doing the trick, you can take steps to improve breathing conditions. We offer a whole line of Indoor Air Quality products that suit all types of situations and budgets.

They’re Very Efficient (When Cared For)

If you take care of your HVAC system as suggested, any technician will tell you, your HVAC system will take care of you in return. In terms of energy use, this care boils down to savings in heating and cooling costs, which add up quickly. Because most newer systems have Energy Star Labels, energy efficiency is much better in HVAC systems that aren’t outdated. Regardless, even if your system has the Energy Star label, seasonal maintenance is still needed. Being consistent with maintenance, also referred to as tune-ups, is essential for all HVAC equipment.

We Can Show Our Gratitude By . . .

Expressing your gratitude for your HVAC equipment by taking steps to keep up on it will pay off in a slew of ways. Keeping up with seasonal maintenance before into each season of use is the first of these action steps. Another step involves checking and changing your air filters regularly, as suggested, to enable proper airflow. Beyond that, further steps to preserve your systems and show appreciation include the following:

  • Consider some of our Indoor Air Quality products to help your system
  • Maintain a free and open three-foot space radius around systems
  • Getting your vents and air ducts cleaned professionally
  • Having a smart thermostat installed, or programmable thermostat
  • Seal air drafts and air leakages around the house 
  • Have refrigerant levels checked during the summer
  • Upgrade your air filters for better air quality
  • Guaranteeing you have sufficient attic insulation
  • Checking for air leaks in loose ductwork
  • Knowing about energy efficiency steps
  • Cleaning outside unit regularly
  • Call us if you have any issues!
  • Practice safety always!

Call Today to Service Your HVAC System!!!

If there is one thing we are grateful for, on top of our amazing support staff and certified technicians working together as a team, it’s for our amazing customers in the Delaware County, Ohio, area. If you need anything now or in the future, please don’t hesitate to give us a call right away! You can call Delaware Heating & Air today at 740-227-8302, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!