Heating Tips for Super Bowl Parties

Jan 29, 2021 | Blog, Delaware, Energy Saving, Heating, HVAC, Tips & Tricks

With February just around the corner, millions of people across the country are preparing for one of the most popular events in America: The Super Bowl! 

Hosting a Super Bowl party has remained a tradition since the 1960’s, and there are lots of boxes to check when preparing for guests. It’s easy to forget about properly heating your home for a Super Bowl party, especially with the addition of COVID-19 concerns! That’s why we at Delaware Heating & Air put together some tips on keeping your furnace on the top of your priority list, while also keeping your guests safe and comfortable for the Super Bowl 2021! 

Tips for Your Furnace

Keeping Things Comfortable

Furnaces are a lifesaver during Ohio winters, but when you have a houseful of people, things can start to get a little sweaty. On the other hand, it’s an added inconvenience to discover that you’re having problems with your furnace just hours before your guests arrive. So make sure to check off these boxes for a stress free game day! 

Plan Ahead

Be sure to consider how many people you are planning to invite and how much food you are planning to cook. Every guest equals more body heat, and every dish cooked equals more high temperature air escaping when you take dishes in and out of your oven. There’s nothing worse than being trapped in a stuffy house during a football game, so consider gradually turning your thermostat down as people arrive and dishes are made. However, don’t set the temperature lower beforehand! You don’t want to make your house an ice box either. 

Give Your Furnace a Special Check-Up

Consider checking up on your furnace by replacing the filter. Air filters are a blessing when they’re clean and a curse when they’re filled with dust, so give it a glance to see whether it needs to be replaced! Make sure to turn your thermostat and furnace off before doing so. 

Tips for Your Guests 

Keeping It Safe 

Even though 2020 is finally behind us, the threat of COVID-19 still hangs in the air (literally), so keep some of these easy tips in mind while planning your Super Bowl Party.

Guest List 

When deciding who to invite to your Super Bowl party, try to keep numbers below 10 and make sure that all your guests are healthy and agree on mask vs. no mask. Nobody wants to argue about wearing masks on top of who’s team will win. By addressing these things beforehand, you’ll set things up for your guests to be happy and healthy at the party! 


By spreading seating out, you’ll help your guests maintain a safe social distance while also keeping body temperatures down. Crowding five people onto your living room couch is not only uncomfortable, but now it can be unsafe too! 

Sanitation Stations 

Make sure to sanitize high touch areas before inviting guests over to your home, and keep out some hand sanitizer in bathrooms, near food, and at your front entrance. If you decide on a mask policy, keep some extra clean masks on hand for any forgetful guests.

Ready for Gameday! 

This is it! Another season has come and gone and the 55th Super Bowl is coming up! With so much to remember this year, it’s easy to forget about your furnace when planning your Super Bowl party. We at Delaware Heating & Air are happy to help with any further questions or concerns you may have before the big day! You can call us today at 740-227-8302, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!