Why Does My Furnace Keep Running?

Jan 26, 2020 | Heating, Repairs, Safety, Winter

Winter in Ohio can be nothing short of bone-chilling cold.

And on an unusually cold day, here in Delaware, sometimes getting back to your warm home is all that you desire. We depend on our furnaces to keep running. But what if our units run non-stop?

That can’t be a good sign. To raise awareness about this problem, and educate our customers, we at Delaware Heating and Air put together the following list of reasons why your furnace might be running non-stop.

Dirty Filters

When an air filter becomes dirty, it needs to be changed. There’s no way around. Dirt build-up can block all the air from getting through to your unit and force polluted air to travel through. This can shorten the life of your unit. It can even make it break down much sooner than it should. 

Be sure to check your air filters at least every six months for a healthy and clean furnace and AC. Also, make sure you check your furnace filter before every winter.

Overheating Heat Exchanger

Your heat exchanger, when it gets excessively hot, tends to overheat. Your unit recognizes this when it gets too hot. Because of this, it keeps the blower going to attempt to cool it down. As such, a broken heat exchanger is another reason your unit won’t turn off. If you suspect this is the case, call one of our trusted HVAC professionals! This is not a job you should attempt by yourself. You could get burned in more ways than one.

Limit Switch Malfunction

When you look at your limit switch, start by making sure that it is set on “AUTO.” This can be a major reason that your unit would continue to run all the time. You can find this switch on the thermostat.

Near the limit switch, there are a host of wires connected inside the thermostat and on the wall. Any one of these cables could have come loosened or could have ceased functioning correctly. An HVAC professional should come out and give this a thorough examination if you suspect this could be the culprit. You do not want to risk causing further damage to the unit. And you definitely don’t want your heat going out in the frigid cold of a Delaware winter. If your thermostat is broken or the switch is toast, it could just be time for a new thermostat. If that’s the case, you’re in the right place. We have all sorts of options for thermostats here at the office. If we don’t have it here, or if you want a more high-tech solution, we can also order just about anything that you desire. We have some options that allow you to control your furnace or AC from your cellphone for when your not home! If you’re interested, please give a call to our office, and we can get the right one for you.

Stay Up to Date On Your Furnace Tune-Up!

If you take one thing away from this little write-up, it’s that you should never miss an annual furnace tune-up. We go through a checklist as a local company and make sure everything is running as it should.

This could stop you from having problems in the future and catch them before you are without heat or AC in the hot and cold months. It is always a good thing to be proactive when it comes to your furnace and air conditioning unit. Being reactive, and waiting until a problem occurs, will cost you more in the long run, every time.

For more information, or to schedule a visit from one of our friendly HVAC pros, call Delaware Heating & Air today at 740-227-8302 or schedule an appointment online now at https://www.delawareairandheat.com/schedule-now/.