Why Is My Furnace Making Noises?

Feb 26, 2021 | Blog, Furnace, HVAC

Every machine is designed and built to serve a specific purpose, and typically when they break or malfunction it is easy to locate the problem. Anyone can determine and solve problems by looking at the symptoms caused by the malfunction. With furnaces, common symptoms are unusual noises, and they can give great insight into what is going wrong and where. As a new house owner or someone who just doesn’t know much about HVAC systems, determining why your furnace is emitting unusual noises can seem daunting or impossible. However, our licensed professionals at Delaware Heating & Air are here to tell you a secret: most of the time you don’t have to be a technician to be able to locate your furnace’s problem right from home! So we’re here to give you a list of four different noises your furnace may be making, and what problems they point to.

Loud Banging Noises

While furnaces can tend to make noises when they turn on and off, if those noises persist while the furnace is running, then you know you have a problem that needs to be addressed. The most common noise that can easily be overlooked is a loud banging sound coming from your furnace. The possible problems depend on whether the sound happens when you first turn your furnace on or if it happens intermittently while your furnace is running.

After Turning It On

If a loud banging noise occurs right after you turn your furnace on, then it may be an issue your furnace’s gas ignition. Things that can cause this problem are a low gas supply in your furnace, misaligned burners, or too much air in the gas. Exactly what the problem is and how it should be fixed should ultimately be determined by a professional, but it doesn’t hurt to have a good understanding of the situation and some possible problems before contacting a repair technician. 

Periodic Banging

If you notice that your furnace makes loud banging noises while your furnace is running, then it may be because your air ducts are expanding or contracting. Because your furnace’s air ducts are metal, this is normal if it makes quiet banging noises every now and then. However, if you notice it happening more frequently and if the noises get increasingly louder, then that means there could be a problem. Some common causes of loud air ducts include a dirty air filter, bent ducts, or closed vents. In conclusion, if you notice that your furnace is being unusually loud, it’s wise to call a professional so they can handle the problem. 

Clicking Noises 

The most common cause of clicking noises when your furnace first turns on is a problem with the ignition system. Just like a gas stove, the ignition system creates combustion in your furnace which is what creates heat. Frequent and repetitive clicking noises can signal that the igniter is trying to light, but is unable to. Some common causes of this problem are dirty burners, a lack of gas, or a broken flame sensor. Additionally, clicking noises can signal that there is a loose bearing in your furnace’s fan motor. 

Squealing Noises 

If you notice that your furnace is making a high-pitched squealing noise, then it’s possible that there is a problem with either the blower, or a result of low airflow. Both of these problems are typically caused by dirt buildup. If you haven’t changed your furnace filter in over a month and you notice that your furnace is making unusual squealing noises, then try replacing the filter. If the noises go away after that then you’ve fixed the problem, but if they don’t then you’ll need to call a technician to come check it out. 

Rattling Noises 

Typically a rattling noise can point to one of two problems: either your heat exchanger is damaged, or your furnace has a loose part. Loose parts can easily be tightened by a professional, but if your heat exchanger is damaged, then it’s time to worry. Because the heat exchanger is one of the most important parts of your furnace, if you hear unusual rattling noises then you need to contact a technician right away. Heat exchangers are very expensive to repair, so unfortunately, rattling noises are typically not a good sign. However, if the problem is simply a loose part then it’s an easy fix.

Who To Call 

If you’re hearing unusual noises coming from your home’s furnace, then you need to call a professional technician, and we at Delaware Heating & Air are here to help. Our technicians are trained and experienced, and our representatives are always happy to answer any questions you may have. You can call us today at 740-227-8302, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!